I haven’t made it much for a couple years now because of all the sodium in the soy sauce. I used to use at least twice the amount the recipe called for.
the “less sodium” type of soy sauce has 575 mg per tablespoon! Not exactly
friendly towards lowering blood pressure!
tho, I became aware of a product that can be used as a replacement for soy sauce and
is actually better for you nutritionally!
Between having less sodium and lots of amino acids that the soy sauce doesn’t have, you can probably feel a lot safer that your blood pressure won’t spike when you use this instead.
It doesn’t taste exactly like soy sauce, but the taste is very similar.

is it?
It comes from the coconut (yet another healthy coconut use!) and is called
Coconut Aminos from Coconut Secret. Right now, I don’t think it’s in regular
grocery stores, but it is available by clicking here.
actually just got off the phone with someone at the company, and she was saying
that Coconut Aminos has 65% less sodium than soy sauce.Between having less sodium and lots of amino acids that the soy sauce doesn’t have, you can probably feel a lot safer that your blood pressure won’t spike when you use this instead.
It doesn’t taste exactly like soy sauce, but the taste is very similar.
we’re hearing about how coconut water and coconut milk is so good for you, so I
guess it’s not really surprising to find other uses from the coconut.
They were amazed at how the coconut sap can be used as sugar (coconut crystals) and coconut vinegar)similar to apple cider vinegar, but with more nutrients) when they were trying to make a product for diabetics that was low glycemic & gluten-free.
Personally, I’m just happy to find something to replace soy sauce!
& Leslie, the makers of the Coconut Amino discovered all the uses of the
coconut while creating products with their parents in mind, who are diabetic.
discovering that the agave they were about to use was watered down with corn
syrup, they were looking for alternatives. That's when they discovered the use
of coconuts and how even the sugars had 17 amino acids, vitamin C, B vitamins
and a nearly neutral pH.
They were amazed at how the coconut sap can be used as sugar (coconut crystals) and coconut vinegar)similar to apple cider vinegar, but with more nutrients) when they were trying to make a product for diabetics that was low glycemic & gluten-free.
While doing updates, I discovered that for some reason both the coconut crystals and coconut vinegar aren't currently available to purchase. When I first wrote this article, both were available on Amazon as well as other grocery stores including Whole Foods, Kroger, Safeway, etc.
If you are interested in checking them out, you might try checking with your local grocery stores. That is a disappointment!
However, the Coconut Secrets Amino products are still available on Amazon.
I recently discovered that Coconut Secrets have the coconut amino products in a variety of flavors: the original flavor, teriyaki and garlic sauce! Very tempting!
Personally, I’m just happy to find something to replace soy sauce!